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豐富的生活會話、精選單元、主題式課程,讓學英文不再枯燥乏味。學生可依時間和目的來選擇不同的課程,課堂全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力。所有線上英文課程依據國際標準CEFR歐洲共同語文參考架構, 劃分為七大層級 :入門、初級、初中級、中級、中高級、高級以及精通;學員依照程度分級上課學習。


各項線上英文教材隨堂提供,並可於上課前 email 數位教材提供學員預習,毋需額外付費。



線上英文, 英文家教, 線上英文家教, 學英文
線上英文, 線上英文家教, 線上學英文, 英文家教
線上英文, 線上英文家教, 線上學英文, 英文家教
線上英文, 英文學習, 線上英文家教, 線上學英文
線上英文, 英文家教, 線上英文家教, 托福, 多益, 雅斯
線上英文家教, 線上學英文, 線上英文
線上英文, 線上英文家教, 線上學英文, 英文家教
線上英文, 英文學習, 線上英文家教, 線上學英文
線上英文, 英文學習, 線上英文家教, 線上學英文
並採用融合品德與生活教育(Civic Education)的教材,每單元教學主題皆與品德教育相關,例如:待人處事、鼓勵與讚美、生活習慣與態度、愛護環境等。在學英文的同時也建立學生良好的品格及正確的價值觀。

English for Kids:

Skills development starts from younger age especially in grade school so it's important to expose children in an environment where they can write, speak,and listen in English. We had carefully chosen books that are essential in building communicate skills for youngsters and are also adaptable for online classes.


EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
線上英文, 英文聽力, 托福,多益, 雅思

English for High School and University:

High School and University students are often getting pressures due to bulk of exams, homeworks competitions. One on one classes are big help for exam preparation and for skill molding so we can have a strong desire of teaching teenagers at the same time easing their pressures.


king you globally competitive.


EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
american english file

English for Fresh Graduates:
Fresh graduates and young adults are often challenged by the rat race, competition is on the rise and opportunities are getting global so being fluent in English is a must. Fluency is achieved through constant practice and that is what we’re offering -- a one on one practice that is turning your weaknesses into strengths an
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English for Traveling:

Traveling is something we must enjoy only because we're spending for it but it's a way to recuperate . But due to language barrier, trips are sometimes not turning out the way planned and we ended up wasting our time and money. With our one on one classes you won't be wasting any resources and you will really be enjoying your trips.


English for Socialization:

Language proficiency is important to enjoy socializing with others. Whether for work or pleasure we should able to communicate fluently to make the most of our time and have fun. Have innovative and interactive classes for this purpose to make students a participant not just an attendee in social gatherings.



EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
EnglishFlow 線上英文全程以英語進行,快速提升英文聽力與口說能力
商用英語, 英文教學, 面試英文
電話英文, 英文寫作, 線上英文, 英文家教

English for Job Interviews:

We all go through job or any interviews and most of them are in English. Studying doesn't end when we started looking for a job but learning is a continuous process that even before the job interview an extensive training and conversation practice is needed. But worry no more because we have an innovative program for those preparing for interviews.


English for Work:
Tenure doesn't always guarantee promotion but communication skills does. Also, English fluency promotes work efficiency and productivity thus we are determined to provide learning outstanding results.With our experienced educators and tailored teaching style you will for sure see your own improvements.
reparing for interviews.



English for Proficiency Exams:

Students spend much resources on preparing for exams but still most of them are taking exams more than twice to get the required score. One on one classes deal on students’ weaknesses making them ready for exams without delaying their timetable. We practice Spartan training to ensure skills development and to maximize resources.

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